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photoshop short keys

Show/Hide Brushes panelF5
Show/Hide Color panelF6
Show/Hide Layers panelF7
Show/Hide Info panelF8
Show/Hide Actions panelAlt–F9
Open Adobe BridgeCtrl–Alt–O
Miscellaneous Good Stuff
Switch between open documentsCtrl–Tab
Undo or Redo operations beyond last oneCtrl–Alt–Z/Ctrl–Shift–Z
Reapply last filter usedCtrl–F
Reapply last filter used, but display dialog box to alter settingsCtrl–Alt–F
Temporarily switch to Hand toolSpacebar
Reset dialog boxHold Alt, Cancel turns into Reset button, click it
Increase/Decrease value (in any option field) by 1 unitUp/Down Arrow
Increase/Decrease value (in any option field) by 10 unitsShift–Up/Down Arrow
Reapply last transformationCtrl–Shift–T
Measure angle between lines (Protractor function)After ruler is drawn, Alt–drag end of line with Ruler tool
Move Crop/Selection marquee while creatingHold Spacebar while drawing
Snap Guide to Ruler ticksHold Shift while dragging
Highlight fields in Options bar (n/a for all tools)Enter
Don't snap object edge while movingHold Control while dragging
VMove and Artboard tools
MMarquee tools
LLasso tools
WQuick Selection, Magic Wand
CCrop and Slice Tools
IEyedropper, 3D Material Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Note, Count
JSpot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Content-Aware Move, Red Eye
BBrush, Pencil, Color Replacement, Mixer Brush
SClone Stamp, Pattern Stamp
YHistory Brush, Art History Brush
EEraser tools
GGradient, Paint Bucket, 3D Material Drop
ODodge, Burn, Sponge
PPen tools
TType tools
APath Selection, Direct Selection
URectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Custom Shape
RRotate View
DDefault colors
XSwitch Foreground and Background colors
QQuick Mask Mode
To switch between all tools within groups, add the Shift key to the letters above
For example, to switch between Rectangular and Elliptical marquee hit Shift–M



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